Welcome to our comprehensive guide on “How to create timesheets”. Step 1: Click on the sales icon on the Homepage. Step 2: Now, click on ‘Timesheets’, and under ‘Record Time’, fill in the necessary information and click on ‘Save’. Congratulations, you…
Tutorial: How to create Recurring Invoices
Welcome to our comprehensive guide on “How to create Recurring Invoices”. Step 1: Click on the sales icon on the Homepage Step 2: Now, under ‘Recurring Invoices’, click on ‘Create recurring invoice’. Step 3: In the given space, fill in the…
Tutorial: How to create Quotations
Welcome to our comprehensive guide on “How to create Quotations”. Step 1: Click on the sales icon on the Homepage. Step 2: Now, under ‘Quotations’, click on ‘Create Quotation’. Step 3: In the given space, upload logo or text as per…
Tutorial: How to create Proforma Invoices
Welcome to our comprehensive guide on “How to create Proforma Invoices”. Step 1: Click on the sales icon on the Homepage. Step 2: Now under ‘Quotations’, click on ‘Create Proforma Invoices’. Step 3: In the given space, upload logo or…
Tutorial: How to create Invoices
Welcome to our comprehensive guide on “How to create invoices”. Step 1: Click on the sales icon on the Homepage. Step 2: Under ‘Invoices’, click on ‘Create invoices’. Step 3: In the given space, upload logo or text as per your…
Tutorial: How to start a subscription for a Recurring Invoice
Welcome to our comprehensive guide on “How to Start a Subscription for a Recurring Invoice.” In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the steps to initiate a recurring invoice subscription, simplifying your billing process for ongoing services. STEP 1 From the…
Tutorial: How to set Recurring Invoice settings
Welcome to our comprehensive guide on “How to Set Recurring Invoice Settings.” In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the steps to configure recurring invoice settings, streamlining your billing process for ongoing services. STEP 1: From the homepage under ‘Quick Links’,…
Tutorial: How to add Signature to an Invoice
Welcome to our comprehensive guide on “How to Add Signature to an Invoice.” In this tutorial, we’ll show you the simple steps to incorporate signatures, adding a personal touch and authenticity to your invoices. STEP 1: From the homepage under ‘Quick…
Tutorial: How to edit company details in invoice
Welcome to our comprehensive guide on “How to Edit Company Details in Invoice.” In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the steps to seamlessly customize and update company information on your invoices for a professional touch. STEP 1: From the homepage…
Tutorial: How to add Terms of Payments for invoices
Welcome to our comprehensive guide on “How to Add Terms of Payments for Invoices.” In this tutorial, we’ll guide you through the process of setting up payment terms for your invoices, ensuring smooth financial transactions. STEP 1: From the homepage under…